Timberwilde Pool
Pool is for Timberwilde residents.
Guests welcome when accompanied by an adult Timberwilde resident.
- Pool is closed every Tuesday for mandatory cleaning.
No running.
No alcoholic beverages.
No water balloons.
Children under the age of 12 must accompanied by adult.
No jumping from pool furniture.
Furniture not to be placed in pool.
No pets allowed.
No profanity.
Courtesy expected.
Tennis Courts are for Timberwilde residents and their guests.
Guests welcome when accompanied by a Timberwilde resident.
Playing time is limited to 2 sets, or 1 1/2 hours when other players are waiting.
Tennis shoes must be worn while playing on the courts.
No jogging or street shoes allowed.
Clean up trash when leaving courts.
Be courteous to other players and observe the rules of the game.
Please do not use skateboards or bicycles on the courts.
Damages will be charged to persons responsible.
Please call the office to reserve the baseball field in advance for any team practices.
- Please leave all bases in place.
Timberwilde Tennis Courts
Timberwilde Baseball Fields